弘扬国粹 Promotion of Culture; 传播艺术 Art of Communication; 音乐演奏 Music Performance.
<Why We Sing and Play>
A sound of hope, a sound of peace, a sound that celebrates and speaks what we believe. A sound of love, a sound so strong,
It's amazing what is given when we share a song. This is why we sing, why we lift our voice, why we stand as one in harmony! This is why we sing, why we lift our voice, take my hand and sing with me!
Sooth a soul,mend a heart, bring together lives that have been torn apart. Share the joy, find a friend, it's a never ending gift that circles back again.
This is why we sing, why we lift our voice, why we stand as one in harmony!This is why wesing, why we lift our voice, take my hand and sing with me!
Music builds a bridge, it can tear down a wall! Music is a language, that can speak to one and all! This is why we sing, why we lift our voice, why we stand as one in harmony!
This is why we sing and play, why we lift our voice, take my hand and sing with me! This is why we sing, we play, we dance!
2023农历新年 古典音乐会在费城特殊教育学校举行
Ms. Yuquan Wang and Mayor of Philadelphia Jim Kenney |
费城金美尔音乐厅响起唐诗回响 |
Tang Poems Concert on Jan 6, 2023 |
Yuquan Wang plays Zither on the Reception |
Yuquan Wang plays Zither on the Reception |
Ms. Yuquan Wang & Mr. Ryan Fleur of Philadelphia Orchestra |
王煜泉与侨界社团秘书长任美清女士 |
王煜泉与滨州议会议员 |
Ms. Yuquan Wang & Vice-mayor of Philadelphia |
一、古琴的历史渊源 王煜泉收藏的古琴 古琴是中国古代文化地位最崇高的乐器,故而有“士无故不撤琴瑟”和“左琴右书”之美誉。关于琴的最早文字记载见于《诗经》等典籍。琴位列汉文化四艺“琴棋书画”之首,被文人视为高雅的代表,亦为风流雅士、文人骚客们吟诗作赋,吹拉弹唱时...
王煜泉古筝演奏 《丰收锣鼓》 古筝名曲《丰收锣鼓》是一首山东风格的乐曲,其素材来源于柳琴戏音调,是著名古筝表演艺术家李祖基先生的成名作。 乐曲以传统山东柳琴戏音调为素材创作而成,具有浓郁的山东民间音乐风格。乐曲以左手有规律的、模仿锣鼓音型的伴奏和优...