
2023农历新年 古典音乐会在费城特殊教育学校举行





        曹寳安先生,英文名为:Paul Tsao。 他出身于梨园世家,自幼随父学艺,十三岁考入天津音乐学院,主修二胡。曾师从于著名二胡教育家、演奏家赵砚臣、吉桂珍先生,并先后得到著名胡琴大师刘明源、吴炳章等多位名师的精心指教。毕业后曾任“天津歌舞剧院”民乐团主力乐师,独奏演员。精通二胡、高胡、板胡、京胡、笛子、唢呐、打击乐等十五种乐器之多,是中国著名民间艺术家“阿炳”艺术的主要传承人。 美国著名百老滙拉玛玛“艾伦史都崋”女士曾评价超寶安先生为当今最杰出的中国“器乐王子”,享有中国“弓弦一绝”之称。一九九四年移居美国,一九九九年创办美国纽约《宝安文化艺术中心》 CBA Culture &Arts Centre。现已自立一格、以独立的艺术风格闻名全美。













<Echoes of The Ancients Tang Poems>

        The Tang Dynasty(618-907 A.D.)marked the heyday in ancient Chinese history, and poetry of that era has proven to be unsurpassed for its literary and artistic significance. For more than a millennium, this body of work has been emblematic of the human spirit and cultural refinement. Just like Shakespeare's oeuvre, Tang Dynasty poems represent a Zeitgeist that is timeless.

       During 2020,when the world was under COVID lockdown, iSING! launch edits Composition Competition. From more than 200 poems, a group of Chinese literary scholars, critics and translators spent two months whittling down toalistof20-some poems deemed well-suited to musical settings. A five- month selection process ensued, and from more than a hundred entries submitted from 18 countries, an international panel of judges selected a final listof23composers. In the end, 14 young composers hailing from China the United States, Spain, Australia, South Africa and Canada received10 Grand Prizesand4Honorable Mentions. Thanks to the support of the Suzhou municipal government, Suzhou Industrial Park and many people within China and abroad, iSING! Suzhou presented its world premiere of these works for voice and orchestra featuring poems by Li Bai(Li Po), Bai Juyi, Du Fu, Du Mu, ZhangJi, and Wang Bo, among others on November 24, 2020, at the Suzhou Culture and Arts Centre.

        "l was initially worried about being able to connect both historically and culturally" says Fernando Buide del Real, who is from Santiago de Compostela."But l soon realized Tang poetic sentiments are universal and transcend geographical boundaries. The precision and depth of the Chinese language is astounding. Every character and phrase is filled with meaning."iSING! Suzhou Artistic Director Hao Jiang Tian adds, "This project brings some of the world's most ancient poems to the modern stage, which is particularly appropriate now as an inspiration to bring the world together in harmony."



君不見 黃河之水天上來, 奔流到海不復回。

與君歌一曲, 請君為我傾耳聽。


呼兒將出換美酒, 與爾同銷萬古愁。



See you not! 
The Yellow River tumbling from the sky
Rushing to the ocean by and by!
See you not! 
Shining mirror mourning white tufts,
Black silk at dawn, snow white at dusk!

When life is good we must celebrate soon, 
Let not golden bottles empty face the moon.
Born with talents destined to shine, 
Scattered riches will again be mine.

Slaughter lamb and calf, let us live it up, 
We must empty three hundred cups!
Master Cen and Danqiu my peer, 
Drink to me, do not stop.

Here's a song for you to hear,
Hope you’ ll lend me your precious ear.
A life of opulence is meaningless, 
Stay drunk and never wake is the best; 
Virtuous men of yore were all lonely.

Only those who drink are remembered fondly
You recall Prince of Chen's banquet in Pingle Mansions,
How hosts and guests to their fill all drank.
Why mention the lack of funds now, 
You must buy more wine somehow.

Precious horses, exquisite furs
Tell your son hawk them to buy more bottles, 
So you and I could drown our endless sorrows.

Ms. Yuquan Wang and Mayor of Philadelphia Jim Kenney



Tang Poems Concert on Jan 6, 2023 

Yuquan Wang plays Zither on the Reception

Yuquan Wang plays Zither on the Reception

Ms. Yuquan Wang & Mr. Ryan Fleur of Philadelphia Orchestra



Ms. Yuquan Wang & Vice-mayor of Philadelphia 


Upwards to the Moon 古筝《左手指月》





王煜泉演唱贵妃醉酒片段 Wang Yuquan sings the Drunken Concubine





春晖中文学校庆圣诞迎新年 Celebrate Christmas and Welcome New Year in Chun Hui Chinese School


       On the evening of December 17, 2022, the auditorium of Delaware Chunhui Chinese School was warm and cheerful as friends from all ethnic groups gathered to celebrate Christmas and 2023 New Year.


社区公益颁奖典礼  万军先生喜获殊荣




太极文化走进美国主流社会 The Tai Chi Culture Comes into the Mainstream of America



   In the Chinese Year of the Tiger 2022, Chinese traditional culture spreading ambassadors, Ms. Zou Wenrong, Ms. Wan Juan and Ms. Wang Yuquan brought Tai Chi culture to the communities in Philadelphia. Their loving activities were well received by their white American friends and drew the attention of the mainstream society. Subsequently, they were interviewed by ABC TV Channel 6.


   The Chinese artists have brought the ancient and everlasting Tai Chi culture to the free land of North America, gradually demonstrating and spreading the charm of Tai Chi in the Western society, and their efforts have achieved certain results that are highly appreciated.


   All three artists are from mainland China, including Ms. Zou Wenrong, who has been practicing and teaching Taijiquan, Taiji Sword and Ba Duan Jin for over thirty years. After she immigrated to the United States, she now focuses her life on promoting traditional Chinese culture. Ms. Wang Juan applies the practice of Taijiquan to health and wellness. They are both settled in the US East.


   Ms. Wang Yuquan was born into a martial arts family and her father, Mr. Wang Hongwei, once started a martial arts school in mainland China to teach traditional martial arts to his students. Wang Yuquan once went to Wudang Mountain to learn the Zhang Sanfeng Taiji 13 Styles From her teacher and won a silver medal in the Wudang Quan performance competition at the 3rd International Martial Arts Cultural Festival in Lijiang, Yunnan in 2015. Not only that, she is also an excellent guzheng artist.
